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Study: Choline intake during pregnancy improves children's health

 Study: Choline intake during pregnancy improves children's health


A new study at Cornell University in New York State has found that seven-year-olds bodies and health could have been better if their mothers consumed twice the recommended amount of choline during pregnancy.

Choline is one of the essential nutrients for the body that has the property of being soluble in water. It is usually composed of B-complex vitamins. In general, choline refers to different types of quaternary ammonium salts cation.

Choline intake during pregnancy improves children's health

Choline is very important for keeping the body healthy; And for that, it must be consumed through a diet. On the other hand, choline is important in the formation of cell membranes and is part of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine that is involved in many functions of the body and information processing, including memory and muscle control.


Unfortunately, choline is absent from most prenatal vitamins, and more than 90% of expectant mothers consume less than the recommended amount. While several studies have shown that adding choline to the mother's diet produces long-term cognitive benefits for the offspring, in addition to improving memory throughout life and protecting against many diseases, such as autism, epilepsy, Down syndrome, and Alzheimer's disease.

New study details:

Barbara Strobe said; Professor in the Departments of Nutritional Sciences (DNS) and Department of Psychology, and co-lead author of a new study: "Prenatal choline is like a nutritional supplement, it improves the body's functions and information processing for the baby."

In the Strobe study, all women ate a diet formulated with a specific amount of choline for the last three months of pregnancy. Half of these women consumed 480 mg of choline per day, just above the recommended Adequate Intake level of 450 mg/day. The other half consumed 930 mg of choline per day.

When tested at the age of 7 years, children of women in the 480 mg/day group showed a reduction in the level of body tasks and data processing from start to finish, while children of the 930 mg/day group maintained a high level of accuracy, data processing, and level of body tasks throughout the task.

Finally, the results of the new study build on a previous study that showed that choline supplementation improved the speed of information processing throughout the first year in these same children.


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