Telegram provides options to stop “burning” of show events, interacting with replies, and translating messages
Telegram didn't leave the crack of doom of the year without numerous updates to celebrate with its users, because it launched a variety of options for users to assist them move a lot with one another.
And the company launched a feature that allows users to express their reactions to responses in conversations through emojis, similar to what Facebook does with the Messenger or Twitter application in its conversations. It also provided an additional feature with more options and more icons when double-clicking on messages.
On the same side, the Telegram application provided a feature to prevent movies, series and their events from being burned to friends, as it provides an option to show garbled messages with a warning that they contain information about series and movies,
Only those who wish to read it will be able to open it, while users who have not seen the work will be able to avoid such information.
Telegram also added important updates for people who communicate with each other of different nationalities and cultures and those participating in groups in foreign languages, as it allows them to translate messages easily by activating the translation option from the settings, and therefore when a message arrives in a different language, an option will appear to translate it, which helps millions of People easily understand messages and content.
The company also added more interactive icons for users in private conversations, a new list of messages for the application on the Mac system, and the ability to customize and change the colors of the barcode for users on all platforms.
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