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7 steps to write an article that tops the first search results (featured excerpt)


7 steps to write an article that tops the first search results (featured excerpt)

7 steps to write an article that tops the first search results (a featured snippet), you must, and you must, dear visitor, follow them literally and accurately if you want to publish google results and also crown your article from the Google search engine with an exclusively featured snippet, you just have to follow our full explanation to the end in order to learn how Optimising search engines, for your website and Blogger blog step by step, and you will thank me, my friend, a lot, and I assure you of that, provided that you follow all the steps carefully and well

1- Choose a unique title to raise your click-through rate (ctr)

One of the most important things you face as a blogger is the steps to write an article that tops the first search results is the main title of the article you will write. Choose an attractive title for the reader so that it motivates him to click on your link in the search results. If you choose the title well, this is very important for your article before writing your article.

Also, your address should not be shaded, as this is unpopular with visitors and therefore unpopular with Google, and improving search engines is, in short, to facilitate access to your site from Google, which will present your article to the visitor's search as the best answer, and this is only complete by making your site free to load pages and compatible with all screens, especially mobile devices

Check out Google's guide to help beginners improve website SEO Click Here

2- Begin your article with a paragraph containing the keyword

Writing a paragraph in your article is no less important than the title, as we talked about a while ago. You must follow this rule, which is the beginning of the article with a paragraph, unlike what you used to be in the past, and for each method, there are those who start directly with a subtitle, and according to my experience as a blogger, it is better to start with a paragraph containing the keyword.

The first paragraph is also considered as a shortcut about what your entire article is about because it appears directly under the main title in the visitors’ search results, and it tells Google’s algorithms about what your article contains and facilitates the process of robots crawling, and this is very important in choosing the strongest keywords very carefully without stuffing words so that it does not become Spam for the Google search engine.

3- The image of the article contains the alternative text (Alt text)

After writing the first paragraph of the article, which is an introduction to your topic, we come to the stage of placing the image and I advise you to be of your own design because search engines love exclusive content that does not violate copyright.

In order to improve the search engines SEO, you must include the name of the image before placing it in your article, make sure that the name of the image is the title of your article.

Also, after uploading the article image, you should not forget to include the alternative text because it is very important for SEO improvement.

4- Article Subtitle (H2)

Among the most important search engine optimization and Alexa rankings for your site is the presence of subtitles for your articles with the exclusivity of the article, which is very important, and also especially dividing the article into parts for the reader so that he does not feel bored in reading your distinguished article

 Likewise, the visitor, after clicking on your article link, if he finds the article is well-coordinated, understands what will be read, and is also likeable to Google, with a great possibility that Google will choose your article for your article, a distinctive excerpt, and the first search results will be issued. And thus bring significant visits from search engines, such as Bing and yahoo, especially Google, and profit from them.

5- Writing paragraphs linking your article together (internal links)

SEO experts often advise that bloggers, especially new bloggers, pay attention to backlinks to articles and link them to each other. Why?, because linking your articles together gives the impression to the visitor that your site is full of information and makes it stay longer and useful.

Likewise for Google robots, when you crawl for a specific article, or rather your site, and find internal links, this facilitates archiving and is extremely important to speed up archiving on your site and for any new article you publish.

In addition, external links are also important, so do not neglect them, such as download links or registration on other sites. What you have to do is provide the visitor with these links in order to leave an impression for visitors and for Google that your site has valuable and useful content, and this is good for leading the first search results in your blog.

6- Add a search description for the article

Every professional blogger is very keen on describing the search, because it contains only the first 150 characters. Approximately two sentences of a line and a half, so be sure to include the keyword of your article while making the description attractive to visitors, because the first thing that appears under the title of your article in the search is the search description, it is important for every content writer to improve search engines for his website.

7- Add a custom permalink to the article

Adding a custom permalink is among the important things that are recommended to make it easier for search engines to understand the content of the article through the link

You will notice that the end of the link is understandable for the word SEO GuinRank, which is a strong hint of what the article link contains, and this is popular with Google and helps in archiving and also issues results in search engines.

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